18 / 365: Cricket sleeping on our bathroom floor after the girls convinced me to let them “swim” in the tub during nap time and then play a game of hide-and-seek. (Cricket hid under her towel very quietly.)

19 / 365: Emma Vance, who loves the cold, waits on our front porch in the frigid weather for the babysitter to arrive.

20 / 365: Ignoring the cold, we outwit the weather and opt for an afternoon spent swimming indoors!

21 / 365: Cricket is excited to go to school (she’s been waiting all week), and even more excited to wear her new mittens.

22 / 365: Ariel and Cheer Bear peer out at the short-lived snow flurries.

23 / 365: SNOW DAY! Cricket feeds the “snow baby” while enjoying the first snow of the season.

24 / 365: The girls hold hands as they watch the fountain at Avalon while on a Daddy-Daughter(s) Date.