This Easter (like last) looked + felt a little different than other years, but that’s okay.
One of the most striking differences between 2020 and 2021 is normal not being normal has become…and although I’m proud of our adaptability and ability to change with the changing times, I sure can’t wait until things get back to true normalcy.
Yes, the Easter bunny came, we went to church, we argued over Easter outfits (sigh), we brunched with family, we hunted eggs — but I will never take the now-old-fashioned crowdedness of holidays for granted again. I will never feel exasperated at restaurant waits, anxious about getting a seat in a packed church auditorium, or frustrated at large groups of kids elbowing one another for eggs. I know too well the other side of that coin now, and I can’t wait for all of those things to be a part of our lives again. I can’t wait for people to be part of our lives again.
Happy Easter!