Today was Moms’ Moments for Emma Vance’s 3s class. I LOVE being able to see my kids in environments that are entirely their own, and preschool is the place E.V. truly shows off who she is and what she’s interested in. Here’s a glimpse into my time with my oldest:

E.V. was SO excited that I was “coming to her class for a Mommy Party today.” Song + dance included, of course. Cricket was just happy to play back up dancer. ;)

Mommy from Three-Year Old E.V.’s perspective: I’m a teenager with black hair who paints roofs and makes yucky stew. Sounds about right…ha!

This is Snakely, and he “has a sticky snake tongue.” We built him a snake cave out of blocks. (not pictured)

To cap off the visit, the kids sang “Skidamarink-a-dink-a-doo” to the moms. Apparently Emma Vance thought they were doing a formal performance. #centerstage
As we left, the kids handed the moms necklaces with little painted charms on them. So sweet, thoughtful and actually stylish! Happy early Mother’s Day, moms!