“I can’t move my arms! Get this thing OFF of me!” ;)
Oh, man, is this the coldest November in Georgia ever or what? It seems as if we skipped over the slow, sleepy end of autumn that slowly drifts into a winter chill and went straight to it-hurts-my face-to-step-outside cold. Yuck. I was made for California weather, but oh, well. What can you do?
I had my final design appointment with our builder this morning, and I’m very excited to update everyone about all of those decisions, but, if you’ll excuse me…I’m gonna need a minute. WHEW. Somehow Ryan always seems to get out of the intense stuff around here (haha), and as he had a day trip to Houston today (yes, you read that right), I was left to make a ton of last-minute decisions all alone — which wouldn’t have been that bad if I was a bajillionaire. However, the balancing of is-it-financially-worth-it v. I-want-it-all-and-I-want-it-NOW coupled with a time crunch is exhausting to say the least. So, give me a second to recuperate, but more to come on all the fun and fancies of our future house. Yay!
In preparation for today’s meeting, yesterday Cricket and I ventured out to another one of our builder’s neighborhoods to take a last-second run through our floor plan. It’s been super beneficial for us to physically walk through (a version of) our house, although it’s always fascinating to me to see other people’s design choices. ;) Truthfully, though, seeing things we dislike has been just as helpful as seeing things we like, so thank you to everyone out there whose style is, um, different than ours. Hahaha! Yesterday’s house wasn’t bad, and I’m really glad we made the trip — although it was so freakin’ freezing out! I actually got to use Cricket’s heavy-duty fleece suit while we were on site, and although she was a trooper, she did remind me just a bit of the little brother in “A Christmas Story.” Oops! At least she was warm, right?
Afterwards, the two of use drove over to our lot to see the progress, and discovered that we have a FOUNDATION! The footers and basement walls were just backfilled with dirt last time we were there, but now we have concrete floors! Despite the frigid cold, I was eager to get out and trudge around the newly poured floor. Upon approaching the red clay field that will one day be our front yard, though, I was shocked to see these crazy ICE CRYSTALS everywhere! (I had to take a few pictures of them because they were such so unexpected!) I think that if E.V. had been with us her reaction would’ve been something along the lines of, “Oh! Elsa was here!” because that’s exactly what it looked like. I’ll take it as a good thing that our future house looked like a scene from our little’s favorite movie, “Frozen” — a good omen of sorts. ;)
Stay warm, Southerners!