It’s been a whirlwind of activity around here lately, and it seems like everyday is busier than the last!
Preschool is just like school-school in that the end of the year gets jam-packed with fun things, and last week was no exception! Tuesday was Emma Vance’s “un-birthday” celebration (since she’s a June baby). In preschool terms, this means that I was in charge of bringing a special-yet-healthy snack and was invited to read a few of E.V.’s favorite books to the class. For food, I decided on one of E.V.’s current faves, mandarin oranges. But how do you make that birthday-ish?? I had to get creative (Thanks a lot, sugar-free-school-policy!), but I think her orange “cake” turned out pretty cool! ;) I also chose “The Potty Book” as one of her favorite stories to read, which was a fortuitous choice because when Ryan, Cricket and I showed up to surprise the class, E.V. was hopping up from the changing table.
“She had two accidents today,” the teacher grimaced.
TWO?!? Yeesh. The first pee-cident happened when the kids were playing house. She was apparently pretending to go potty, but then actually went potty instead. OOPS. (It’s hard not to laugh at that one.) The second pee-cident happened during snack time, which didn’t surprise me. I’ve noticed that E.V. pretty much always pees at meal time, so at home it’s easy to just make sure she goes to the bathroom before we eat. Now they have the same routine at school for her, too. ;)
Otherwise, story time went well. Ryan and I decided to both participate and to bring Cricket, which was so fun. She loved being around the big kids, and they enjoyed playing with her, too! And all the children were so sweet and attentive as I read…except for Emma Vance of course! (Did I mention her latest evaluation went something like “excels at art but easily distracted?” HAHAHA!) I suppose it was her un-birthday, so she could do what she wanted to!
Then Thursday was Picture Day. I never order individual pictures (just the class shot), so I took a couple (read: ONE MILLION) of my own photos for posterity’s sake. Emma Vance is working on her “Cheese!” face these days…and we clearly need to keep working on it — and on sitting still, haha! Honestly, E.V. was just happy to wear her new boots. She kept shouting, “I’m a COWBOY!” and showing them off. ;)
Thursday was also Mom Moments (i.e. Mother’s Day) at preschool, which I missed last year because Cricket was so tiny. I had so. much. fun. wandering around Emma Vance’s classroom with her. We looked at live caterpillars, made cats out of playdough, decorated a picture frame and played with her friends. At the end of our time, the kids sang us a “MOM” song and gave us sweet gifts. Oh, how I love her!
There are only a few more weeks left until summer break, which is hard to believe, so we are soaking up every last bit of school while we can get it!