Well, it’s almost 11 at night, and while the girls are snoring, Ryan’s downstairs building an LOL Dollhouse (no comments from the peanut gallery haha). I had planned on going to sleep, but my neighbor is blaring all sorts of odd Christmas music and Cricket accidentally peed all over me when I just picked her up to take her on a mid-night potty break, so the laundry is running. I figure it’s as good a time as any to recap our Christmas Eve, considering I bet most parents are up anyway, tinkering and setting up for tomorrow morning.
We started of our 24th with an early-morning ride on the Macy’s Pink Pig. It was my mom’s annual tradition, so it was a must for us before the Christmas season was over.
After some much-needed rest watching the remaining Christmas movies we hadn’t gotten to yet, we met some friends at a local Mexican restaurant. (It’s my dad’s “on” year for Christmas Eve, but he’s in New York with his brothers and sister.) Ryan brought home a Cousin Eddie moose glass, so naturally I brought it along for festive margarita consumption because why not.
After dinner, we walked over to our city’s grand old Christmas tree. Our girls all made one last Christmas wish as they hung their ornaments on the boughs, a tradition that we started last year on Christmas Eve. (Seriously, so fun.)
When we got home, Christmas pajamas were donned (the ones currently in the wash, arg) and as I was just about to tuck in E.V. and Cricket for the night, we got our annual *surprise* FaceTime call from Santa. Too bad Ryan misses it every year. (I will say that Santa gained an accent this year, and it was very, um, interesting. HA!)
And now the girls are asleep…until about 4 a.m. Sigh. Happy Christmas Eve!