Feliz Navidad (Christmas Eve 2017)

It’s finally here! Our mischief has been managed: we’ve ridden the Pink Pig, gone to church, baked cookies, watched the last of our Christmas movies, and even celebrated Christmas Eve in an unexpected way.

With germs + work schedules taking our two families out of commission, Ryan and I spent the evening with our might-as-well-be-family at (drumroll please) La Parrilla! (And, yes, we played Feliz Navidad nonstop all night.) After dinner we all visited our town’s live Christmas tree and added our own ornaments (is that illegal? like trespassing or something?) as one final nod to the Christmas spirit.

With Christmas jammies on, the girls had their annual phone call with “Santa Claus” + reading from Luke before peacefully drifting off. Yeah, right. More like “before Cricket fought bedtime like a champ and I threatened that Santa wouldn’t come.”

The good news is that everything is assembled, breakfast is prepped, and we are ready. LET’S DO THIS!

We are the crazies who rode the Pink Pig on December 23rd. Only an HOUR in line (but we kept ourselves entertained). Yeesh.

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Breakin’ it down in the parking lot post-service.

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“Baking” cookies for Santa.


Writing letters to Santa on Shrinky-Dink paper. (Too bad E.V.’s wrinkled up! Boo.)

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We have watched ALL the Christmas movies. I’ll be sad to see them go.


Feliz Navidad!

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Hanging ornaments on the big tree down town. A new tradition!

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Annual Santa FaceTime. (Too bad Ryan always seems to miss his call!)

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