Emma Vance had her first solid food today! |
With a new year comes new resolutions, and here in the Shove household we take that charge very seriously. Since this is Emma Vance’s first chance to experience a new year, we decided to help her make her first resolutions ever, and although they may be tiny, to her they’re a big deal. Here’s what E.V. hopes to accomplish in 2013:
1. Eat solid food.
2. Crawl forward.
3. Walk like a big girl.
4. Learn some new words other than “mama” and “dada.”
5. Throw a killer first birthday party.
Since she’s a natural go-getter (ha!), she decided to tackle her first resolution on the very first day of the year, and I’m happy to report it was a major success. Before starting, Ryan and I debated bib v. no-bib (since we bought her a ton of feeding stuff for Christmas), and after the experience we had, I’m glad to say we went with “bib.” She loved it so much she couldn’t get enough of the oatmeal, even for her first feeding. The pediatrician’s recommendation was a few tablespoons the first time eating anything solid, working up within a week or so to a quarter cup. Yeah, right! Little Miss gobbled up her oatmeal excitedly, plowing through a quarter cup easily. The other recommendation the doctor made was to try giving her solid food once a day until she got the hang of it, but since her first feeding was such a success, we jumped ahead to morning and evening feedings immediately. It’s a lot messier of a process than I imagined (and today was the first time I’ve appreciated our in-kitchen washer/dryer), but we’re working on it. :) Looks like dinnertime will now immediately be followed by bath time…
Now we’re looking forward to tackling her other resolutions in 2013!
Following her parents’ 2012 resolution to eat organic groceries! |
She didn’t waste one second! |
She REALLY wanted to feed herself, but it was already too disastrously messy to indulge her! |
All done and all covered in oatmeal… |
…and excited for her next feeding! |