Sunday Seven 2018 (Weeks 40-44)

Hello, October. Goodbye, October. You are my favorite.

273 / 365: Hello, October! We’ve been waiting for you!

274 / 365: Post-preschool pumpkin treats with a sweet friend always makes Cricket smile. ;)

275 / 365: The neighborhood BOOing has begun!

276 / 365: NOT her Halloween costume, and {probably} not the message the creators of Rae were hoping to send, haha!

277 / 365: We baked pumpkin muffins today to continue the fall season kick-off.

278 / 365: Well, we had macaroni for dinner, in case you were wondering.

279 / 365: Our annual family visit to Burt’s Pumpkin Patch (complete with a hayride).


280 / 365: The make-over phase of sisterhood has officially begun.

281 / 365: Deep thoughts + cocoa this morning.

282 / 365: One of our weirdo family traditions is making “boo pops” every Halloween.

283 / 365: Messy, messy.

284 / 365: Cricket’s nails are all done up for our trip to DISNEY tomorrow!

285  / 365: HIYA MICKEY!

286 / 365: Cricket and E.V. became pirates at the Magic Kingdom’s Pirate’s League boutique.

287 / 365: Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party, here we come — even though E.V.’s costume wasn’t her first choice. Cricket’s was. Clearly. :)

288 / 365: Swimming at the resort’s Nemo-themed pool is magical.

289 / 365: I spy someone enjoying the Halloween decor!

290 / 365: Ballet day.

291 / 365: (If only she’d eat them, too.)

292 / 365: Cricket and I watch “Hocus Pocus” together for the first time while Emma Vance hides in the other room (poor thing).

293 / 365: Stomach. Bug. (+ no school)

294 / 365: Coloring in a portrait of herself with makeup? Yeah, that sounds like Cricket.

295 / 365: Our very last preschool pumpkin patch day. Sigh.

296 / 365: Finally old enough to skateboard down a hill (the ultimate neighborhood childhood pastime).

297 / 365: Trunk or Treat (with a bat and the “life of Frankenstein on a date”).

298 / 365: Attempting to make slime with chalk + bubble solution. (Good luck.)

299 / 365: Tea time!

300 / 365: Made her own bed, and now she’s going to lie in it.

301 / 365: Mega Awesome Costume Party at church (with a librarian and an apparently very angry witch).

302 / 365: Mommy + Cricket make Frankensmoothies at pre-K.

303 / 365: Pumpkin carving (and two grossed-out girls, haha!)

304 / 365: Oh, no big deal, just over here making Cricket’s pink hair dreams come true.

305 / 365: Miss Frizzle graces the ICSAtlanta Book Character Parade.

306 / 365: The Greatest Showman! (And Anne Wheeler, the greatest trapeze artist, of course.) HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

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