Sunday’s Seven 2017 (Weeks 6 + 7 + 8)


38 / 365: February 7th–my mom’s birthday. Missing and thinking about her even more today. {photo with E.V. from 2014 swim lessons}


39 / 365: Our friends the Engerts moved back in town this week, and their daughter, Emerson, is over for a play date. Yay!


40 / 365: It’s Daddy Day for E.V.’s class, and I’m not sure who’s more proud of the hand-lettered ;) name tags.


41 / 365: It’s Cricket’s turn for Daddy Day, so she decided to dress like Elsa, naturally.


42 / 365: Emma Vance’s class collects 100 cans for their 100th Day of School! (They donated them to a South Georgia tornado relief effort.)


43 / 365: Celebrating February 14th party a few days early at our MADly in Love Valentine’s party.


44 / 365: Girl has her own, unique sense of style, including concealer as lipstick.


45 / 365: Papadon brings over a sweet treat to celebrate Valentine’s Day with Cricket and E.V.!


46 / 365: They are ALWAYS singing something. :)


47 / 365: Her new, self-given nickname is “Baby Starlight.” I. Have. No. Words. She is one in a million!


48 / 365: The girls escape the chilly weather for a quick swim at the gym.


49 / 365: It’s Great Grandma Vance’s 90th birthday weekend, so we road trip down to Florida for a visit!


50 / 365: So *maybe* I left an entire bag at home (consisting of all the girls’ underwear, socks and shoes). That’s what Target is for!


51 / 365: The five of us take a trip to Disney Springs (think “Disney-themed shopping”), where Daddy helps E.V. and Cricket build cars at LegoLand.


52 / 365: Saying goodbye is so bittersweet. Thankful for the few days we had to spend with GGV, but sad to leave her at all, and nonetheless on her actual birthday. :(


53 / 365: Emma Vance missed her friends and teachers and is PUMPED to be back at school after the long weekend.


54 / 365: I’ve never known how to French braid, so it’s become a goal of mine. It’s taken about four months of trying, but today I actually did a braid that looks decent! Woohoo!


55 / 365: She’s getting so big. *sigh*


56 / 365: Soccer evaluations are tomorrow, so Daddy preps the girls before dinner. It’s E.V.’s first time ever really messing around with a soccer ball, and she’s not too bad! We may have a natural on our hands!


57 / 365: Emma Vance and Cricket joined their first soccer team today! Yes, it’s only Upward (church sport with no scores and lots of hugs), but she is having a blast! (Cricket was more interested in the snack, haha!)


58 / 365: Bon apetit!

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