228 / 365: Cricket’s teacher reads to the girls during our pre-preschool home visit.

229 / 365: Emma Vance invented a new game…which I guess I’m okay with. #kidroomba

230 / 365: Dancin’ in the city fountain!

231 / 365: Great Grandma Vance is in town from Florida, so we took her to Publix, naturally. ;)

232 / 365: Enjoying some tent time with our buddies, Sophie and Baby Grey.

233 / 365: Cricket gets her feet wet at a local park with a play stream.

234 / 365: Daddy and E.V. pick out a fish for Emma Vance’s classroom aquarium. (“I’ll take the one on the tippy-top!”)

235 / 365: The girls get down and dirty with boy toys at a friend’s birthday party.

236 / 365: Playin’ dress-up with the neighbor. (Can you tell E.V. is Halloween-obsessed?)

237 / 365: First day of school 2016! Pre-K and 2s classes for these little ladies.

238 / 365: Second day of school = stomach bug. Ugh.

239 / 365: E.V. is pumped to be better and back at school so she can show off her new Barbie lunchbox!

240 / 365: Now Cricket’s got the stomach bug, and I’m cleaning carpets. ;)

241 / 365: And she’s back! 24-hour bugs are rough, but thankfully short!

242 / 365: Hosting our inaugural Supper Club!

243 / 365: Stomach Bug 3.0, aka Mom’s Turn, which landed me laying on a CVS bathroom floor. I have no more pride left. Ha!