291 / 365: Emma Vance digs a hole for the first winter plant in The Garden Room Garden for her preschool.

292 / 365: It’s E.V.’s class’s self-proclaimed Pajama Day! What a silly bunch of kiddos!

293 / 365: Cricket’s sweet 2s class visits the church pumpkin patch.

294 / 365: Papadon + his dog, Bentley, surprise the girls with some fall scarecrows for the front yard!

295 / 365: Annual family trip to Burt’s Pumpkin Patch!

296 / 365: It’s rest time and the girls are bonding over Princess Play-doh. #goodparentingskills haha!

297 / 365: Daddy and Cricket are ready for post-church brunch on this beautiful day!

298 / 365: We’re chowing down at Emma Vance’s class’s Fall Family Picnic.

299 / 365: E.V. turns in her first homework assignment ever! Yay for school!!

300 / 365: Preschool Halloween (aka Trunk or Treat) 2016 — Princess Belle + a Peacock Fairy

301 / 365: E.V. is playing hooky from preschool so Papadon can take the girls to go see “Storks!”

302 / 365: Modeling our dear friend @stylinsophie’s fall collection

303 / 365: Boo at the Zoo!

304 / 365: For Dress Up Day at church, E.V. and Cricket are cactus kids.