I ran a week behind with my Sunday updates, so apologies to anyone who’s been following along diligently (surely someone is, right? haha!). If you’re caught up at all with me on social media or this blog, you know that last Sunday started the worst week eeeeeever, so I missed a post. Thus, here are TWO weeks’ worth of pics! ENJOY!

42 / 365: E.V. and Cricket blow kisses (sort of) while all dressed up for their preschool Valentine’s Day card exchanges!

44 / 365: It’s freezing out, so Emma Vance enjoys swimming in our master tub, a favorite pastime of hers this winter.

45 / 365: The Valentine’s Day Curse strikes again! Emma Vance lies on the floor at the urgent care, trying to ignore her aching ear, while Cricket is at home with the stomach bug.

46 / 365: I crashed into another car, which pushed my Durango into a light post, on the way home from the grocery store from buying cooking ingredients for preschool the next day. Thankfully no one was hurt, but my 13-year old car is totaled. Boo!

47 / 365: For my turn as Cooking Parent in Emma Vance’s 3s class, the kids make Pete the Cat sandwiches!

48 / 365: As if our week couldn’t get any worse, the doctor confirms that Cricket has bacterial conjunctivitis — just before E.V. projectile vomits all over the exam room and herself.

49 / 365: Ryan is FINALLY home from his trip to Philadelphia, and we all couldn’t be happier, including Cricket, who refuses to let go (even while napping) of the present he brought her.

50 / 365: I finally go through with LASIK surgery to correct my terrible vision (since it’s been deemed that I will never be able to wear contacts again — and am OVER wearing my glasses after only three months).

51 / 365: There have been some complications with my LASIK, leaving my vision blurry for longer than expected while my eyes heal. Cricket’s eyes are still healing from conjunctivitis too, so we are quite the sad pair. :(

52 / 365: Sweet Cricket naps for the millionth time this week. No one’s been feeling good, but with each time of rest we get closer to our normal selves again. Here’s to a better week starting tomorrow!