Meet me where the falling stars live.
I will wait for you day and night.
It’s funny to embrace a complete change in your life–to look back at the person you once were or thoughts you once thought or opinions you once considered fact. In the oddest sense, Valentine’s Day has become one of those strange turning-point markers in my life.
Ryan and I have been together 18 years, and each February 14th, we’ve kept our heads low as we walked through the day. We’d resolved to celebrate Valentine’s Day with just a hearty eye roll and fist bump. Maybe it was our way of being stubborn or whatever, but ultimately I hated February. (So. Much. Cheese.) And then, four years ago, we decided to throw a fancy dinner party for some of our close couple friends in kind of an ironic way to join in the celebration without being cheesy.
And now Valentine’s Day is one of my favorite days of the year.
I would have NEVER thought I’d feel this way, but I suppose (if you know me) that if you add a creative element to any ol’ thing, I’m as happy as a clam. #truestory
This was our fourth annual Valentine’s Day party, and it was one I will always remember. (I always say that, haha!) Our theme was “Written in the Stars,” and I wanted to give a nod to the cosmic vibe of finding + falling in love. (Give me all the moody things + all the star-crossed lover sighs!)