…and We’re Home!


I didn’t want to leave the hospital. I mean, having nurses burst in about a million times a day gets old quickly, but having a nursery on-call 24/7 is nice. I’m going to miss that. A lot. A LOT A LOT. :) But all good things must come to an end, and now we’re home — which is a good thing in and of itself.

Emma Vance had the stomach bug and wasn’t able to come visit us in the hospital, so today, when we brought Cricket home, it was her first chance (and Ryan’s mom, who graciously watched E.V. all weekend) to meet her little sister. I’m a little too loopy and definitely too exhausted to recount all the sweet and hilarious moments shared in that introduction, but it’s safe to say that Emma Vance is obsessed. E.V. couldn’t wait to touch her little sister’s tiny toes, to pull the baby’s soft socks on and off, and to hold Cricket (although Cricket wasn’t quite as thrilled to be held). She’s been running around yelling, “Baby!” all evening, waking Cricket up repeatedly by bursting into her nursery and trying to crawl up into the crib with her to snuggle. It was love at first sight (for E.V. at least)…and now we begin to worry about the smothering. ;)

More to come on how the past few days played out, but for now…goodnight to all!

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