Well, it’s happening. The preschool “lasts” have begun.
It’s the strangest feeling to know a season is coming to an end. I’m filled with a sense of sadness and accomplishment and wistfulness and excitement all at once. It’s hard to know whether to celebrate or to mourn, so right now I’m just trying to take some deep breaths and enjoy this season’s finales — like my last Mom Moments.
Cricket was so excited for Mom Moments that she insisted we dress like twins — gold sequin tops, jeggings, sparkly shoes, matching necklaces. And I didn’t argue. Not today. Oh, and how proud she was to show me all the classroom things: the fruit salad her class cut up, how to decorate tiles as coasters, her daily journal, the drawing she did of me (where she noted my love for “workout clothes,” haha!), the tiny garden they’ve been tending all year. Let’s just say that my girl loves having uninterrupted attention for sure.
My favorite moment from the morning, though, was when the class all sat down together to share a special book. Cricket’s teacher had asked for baby pictures (mysteriously) and then had asked the kids (secretly) things they did when they were babies and things they do now that they’re big. She put together the loveliest book with each child’s baby picture paired with “When I was a baby…” and current pictures paired with “Now that I’m big…” The whole class got to guess who each baby was, and *surprise* the next page was a current picture to see if they had guessed correctly. The only rule? Don’t tell people if it’s your baby picture! ;)
When Cricket’s sweet baby cheeks had their turn and the teacher read, “When I was a baby…I slept a lot!” my over-eager child yelled out, “That’s me!” and then immediately turned bright red (a first for the most fearless, outgoing girl I know) and then scrambled to hide in my lap. Whoops! Poor thing didn’t get her chance to be guessed, but it was the cutest mistake she’s ever made, so at least it was memorable. (P.S. The next page said, “Now that I’m big…I can write big words.” #futureauthor)
Hello, beginning of the end. Goodbye, Mom Moments. Sigh.