It was the fastest summer we’ve had yet, which seems to be the trend as the girls get older. However, two full-time working parents meant more sitters, more logistics, more madness than ever.
I’m not going to lie — I spent most days feeling guilty that I wasn’t around enough, that the girls’ memories of this summer would be lacking, that they would feel a shift in our family.
But, if I’m being honest with myself— E.V. and Cricket spent most days feeling happy that they were undeniably “cool” for hanging out with teenagers, that they were more trusted and responsible and grown-up than ever before, that they had the best summer ever.
So here we are, school year. It’s going to look different, and that’s okay. Here’s to a great first day, a great coming year, and a great set of sisters.
Hello, 2nd and 4th grades! (How are they so old?!?)