Pool of July (I Mean, FOURTH of July)


Happy Fourth of July, everyone!

Is anyone as exhausted as I am? Wait, only the parents out there are? Okay, I commiserate!

This has been a fun-filled, activity-packed long weekend for us, so let me just sum up the past three days for you: POOLS. Pools upon pools upon pools. My Little Fish spent at least four hours each day swimming, and by 6:30 tonight, she and Cricket were already passed out.

Because I’m ready to pass out myself, here are the highs and lows of each event plus a few visuals to help you feel like you’re waterlogged as well, haha!

Saturday, July 2nd, Ryan’s mom hosted a barbecue.

High: Everyone sang E.V. a belated Happy Birthday, and Ryan’s mom surprised E.V. with a Little Mermaid cake. (Happiest kid ever!)

Low: Cricket tripped on a tube of bubbles and fell into the pool. (Cue Daddy jumping in to grab her. No harm, no foul.)

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Sunday, July 3rd, we hosted a Dive-In Movie at our neighborhood pool.

High: The circle float Ryan bought for the event was a HUGE hit with the kids!

Low: Emma Vance attempted to jump on a Wubble, fell on the concrete and busted her lip.

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Monday, July 4th, we swam and sunbathed with our couples small group.

High: We love these people, for reals. They are fun, funny, loving, thoughtful and a joy to be in community with.

Low: Cricket stubbed her toe (cue blood) and then pooped her pants (not in the pool, thankfully). #motherhood


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