60 / 365: Ridin’ in the Scout. Peace.

61 / 365: We’re watching “Kids’ Baking Championship” and feeling inspired…to make boxed muffins, haha!

62 / 365: Count this as a sick day for Emma Vance.

63 / 365: Cold weather means CHUCK E. CHEESE’S for these crazy ladies!

64 / 365: Cricket’s making…oh, I dunno. Some sort of tortilla and jam flower tart? I never know what’s going to come out of her imagination next!

65 / 365: Happy Dr. Seuss Day from Thing 1 and Thing 2!

66 / 365: CHEESE! Cricket’s smiling BIG for her last-ever preschool picture day.

67 / 365: E.V.’s teacher asked me to speak to her class about being an artist + creative for a career unit, so at the end I played client and gave the students a creative brief. They are hard at work making ART!

68 / 365: First soccer game of the season. YOU WILL NEVER BEAT ROYALS, ROOOYALLLS!

69 / 365: Cricket creates her own “Poem Book” and writes “There was a little girl who had a little curl right in the middle of her forehead…” (her favorite nursery rhyme).

70 / 365: It’s Hat Day at school, and E.V. decided to make her own. And I’m dying laughing. ;)

71 / 365: There are some habits I may never be able to break in my girls, including chillin’ on the coffee table randomly.

72 / 365: Future florist

73 / 365: Cricket’s big day is coming up, and we are getting ready for her BIG PARTY!

74 / 365: Cricket receives one last birthday blessing from preschool.

75 / 365: E.V. (and I) ran the ICSAtlanta 5K, and she came in third place! (Which feels like #1 to us, haha!)

76 / 365: Happy St. Patrick’s day! As Cricket would say, “Stay GOLD!”

77 / 365: To celebrate Cricket’s birthday, we invited the Sister Squad out for nail polish + dinner, two of Cricket’s favorite things. ;)

78 / 600: Cricket takes tennis lessons with some of her pre-k buddies. (Look at that form!)

79 / 365: Cricket requested an LOL cake for her big day with Queen Bee on it — and I had wayyy to much fun making it.

79 / 365: Daddy is the MYSTERY READER for Cricket’s classroom (and I picked the silliest book I could find).


82 / 365: It’s finally Cricket’s party day! The theme is “Matilda + Kids’ Baking Championship” (and a LOT of color).

82 / 365: Ryan’s cleaning out the garage, which means random sparklers in March for the neighborhood girl gang.

84 / 365: Five year check-up, check. (And despite concerns, Cricket can hear perfectly fine. So she’s just CHOOSING to ignore us, haha!)

85 / 365: Tennis lessons continue, and although I don’t think it will be Cricket’s sport (she claims “it’s too HOT”), she’s having fun.

86 / 365: Cricket is ALWAYS messing around in the kitchen, so I figured I could at least put her to work.

87 / 365: Sweet Miss Stephanie braids Cricket’s hair before bed, one of her many talents.

88 / 365: Look at that sweet smile! It’s Spring Picture Day for first grade, and E.V. is ready.

89 / 365: To start of Spring Break, the girls and I visited the Alpha Chi house at UGA to snoop around before they start major renovations. These girls + these stairs make me so happy!

90 / 365: It’s rainy in JACKSONVILLE! We’re making a quick stop to see our camp buddies while we’re in town.

91 / 365: It’s still raining in Jacksonville today, so we take a trip to visit Miss Stephanie and her Senior gal pals, who are also on Spring Break nearby.

92 / 365: We came for the beach, but the beach is not here for us. It’s FREEEEZING, and despite our best efforts to be tough, we lasted all of five minutes in the sand before calling it quits and heading back to the hotel.

93 / 365: It may be cold and dreary outside, but we are snug as bugs in rugs (and enjoying a LOT of hotel TV).

94 / 365: The weather is finally warming up in Florida, so we’re celebrating with a pool swim.

95 / 365: It finally looks like Spring Break in Jacksonville, so we’re on the hunt for shells.

96 / 365: Cricket meets her soulmate, Ella (a college friend’s daughter). Seriously, never were there two more perfect friends.

97 / 365: We decided to stay one extra day in Florida to enjoy the sun before Spring Break is over, and our Senior friends invited us to join them at the beach.

98 / 365: #fashion

99 / 365: I took Cricket to a Natural Doctor, and she prescribed some homeopathic drops to help Cricket with her mood swings. (Bonus: Cricket loves taking her “medicine” herself.)

100 / 365: Cricket serves us fruit salad at my last Mom’s Moments at Northbrook Preschool ever. Single tear.

101 / 365: Cricket drew..something. Turns out it’s a DIY butterfly — just cut out the pieces and glue them together. (Love her.)

102 / 365: Cricket makes chicks out of chicken nuggets in anticipation of Easter. She’s so meta. Haha!

103 / 365: Spring means lots of time at the fields watching this girl.

104 / 365: Apparently we’ve become a puzzle family. As in we do puzzles. (Well, they do puzzles. I just meander about while they work on them because I’m not a puzzle person. Whoops.)

105 / 365: E.V. writes a note for our soon-to-be-graduating babysitter, Miss Stephanie, to open at the ceremony.

106 / 365: Easter egg dyeing(ish) with markers, craft supplies and whatever they can find.

107 / 365: Ballerina babes!

108 / 365: Spring Soccer Picture Day

109 / 365: E.V. is growing up to be so responsible. Which makes me want to celebrate and mourn all at once.

110 / 365: Pike’s Nursery gave away free ladybugs this weekend, and Cricket is officially one with nature.

111 / 365: Happy Easter!

112 / 365: We try to do candy-free, small gifts on Easter, and Cricket doesn’t seem to mind the missing sugar. ;)

113 / 365: Cricket was rude to a friend and didn’t say hello on purpose, so I helped her write an apology (and it’s making my Grinch heart swell).

114 / 365: Recital Rehearsal

115 / 365: It’s Cricket’s Pre-K Pizza Night at preschool, and she’s having fun celebrating with her classmates!

116 / 365: E.V. was born with a song in her heart, and I love finding her lyrics on paper.

117 / 365: Another tooth bites the dust!

118 / 365: Sister Sleepover

119 / 365: Open Mike Night in the playroom

120 / 365: Cricket finally got her birthday present –a UKELE!

121 / 365: Ryan stands in to coach E.V.’s soccer team (and he loves it).

122 / 365: It’s Yearbook Signing Day!

123 / 365: Enjoying some ice cream with Papadon (his latest obsession).

124 / 365: The girls enjoy La Kermesse (the French festival) at ICSAtlanta. I love these Frenchies!

125 / 365: It’s Teacher Appreciation Week, so I made mascot cookies (which was fun but harder than I planned, haha).

126 / 365: It’s HOT out, so we’re running through the City Center fountain to keep cool. (Well, these girls are at least.)

127 / 365: It’s Cricket’s pre-k Spring Sing at school, and this girl is rocking the kazoo!

128 / 365: I’ve been working my bum off getting ready for the end-of-year festivities, including making these bird nest gifts for Cricket’s teachers. (The eggs have words the children used to describe each teacher.)

129 / 365: Cricket takes the stage in her first-ever ballet recital!

130 / 365: It’s First Grade Field Day, and E.V. is ready to rock.

131 / 365: We attempted to make macarons. Cricket called them a winner, but the rest of us, well, didn’t.

132 / 365: I’m getting all the love on Mother’s Day.

133 / 365: The Horse-Es chill poolside. Summer is coming!

134 / 365: Cricket kicked out E.V.’s two front teeth. (So much blood.) Well, actually one tooth came right out and the other is hanging on by a gory little thread. Lord help us all.

135 / 365: It’s Cricket’s last day of pre-k (and our last day of preschool EVER). I’m excited and saddened…and all the things. Cricket is just excited, though. ;)

136 / 365: It’s E.V.’s recital dress rehearsal, and those red lips are BOLD.

137 / 365: It’s finally our favorite weekend of the year — Merri-Mac Mother-Daughter! Look at these Tweedle Dotties!

138 / 365: The big girls canoe Cricket around the lake. (These camp girls don’t even need us moms anymore!)

139 / 365: Bye, camp! See ya’ this summer!

140 / 365: In a quick turnaround, E.V. goes from camp girl to stage dancer in her first-ever recital. RESPECT!

141 / 365: E.V. plays “Smoke on the Water” for her guitar teacher, Mr. Shane.

142 / 365: The saddest day of 2019. We said goodbye to our best buddy, Oscar. (A few days earlier our dear friend took some last family pics for us.)

143 / 365: It’s the First Grade end-of-year party for Mr. Niang’s French class, and the theme is SOCCER because “We’re all done with Grade #1!”

144 / 365: SCHOOL’S OUT FOR SUMMER! Peace out, first grade!

145 / 365: It’s the first official day of summer, so you can find us (and the Muppet Babies) at the pool for the next two months.

146 / 365: (Don’t worry, I’ll clean it up later. As usual.)

146 / 365: Happy Memorial Day!

148 / 365: It’s a hot day with cold ice cream (and Grumpy Gramps).

149 / 365: The girls have discovered that my favorite restaurant, The El Felix, serves freeze pops, so we’re officially coming here every chance we can now.

150 / 365: That’s the look of someone “performing a magic trick” by making berries disappear…into her mouth.

151 / 365: Summers are for exploring, even when it’s in our own city.