152 / 365: Sun’s out, tails out!
153 / 365: A Waumbaland craft + a chocolate…something or other.
154 / 365: We’ve been enjoying the local French restaurant lately, mostly for yummy breakfasts served with baguettes.
155 / 365: We’ve been sleeping on a mattress on the floor for almost a year while we waited for our bed (which was held up in customs) be delivered, but it’s HERE!
156 / 365: Our neighborhood pool is pretty standard, so the girls have created their own “slide” for entertainment.
157 / 365: As we say goodbye to one babysitter, we’re happy to say hello to her protege, Miss Ella!
158 / 365: Ryan’s “team” is over to work, and Cricket considers herself one of the gang.
159 / 365: It’s finally time for CAMP! (And for initiation in the rain.)
160 / 365: This little Iroquois is getting ready for her first tribal competition of the summer (and I’m so glad I get to be at camp as a photographer so I can catch sweet moments like these).
161 / 365: For cabin night, Tweedle Dee is roasting s’mores…yum!
162 / 365: WATERSLIDE!
163 / 365: E.V.’s first attempt at drama — and she is the happiest girl ever!
164 / 365: Emma Vance, Queen of Archery!
165 / 365: The silliest Tweedle Deedles are having an intense dance party.
166 / 365: It’s so bittersweet to say goodbye to camp + camp friends each summer. These girls are forever friends for sure.
167 / 365: Emma Vance is seven going on seventeen, and she has the attitude to prove it (sometimes).
168 / 365: I love my little late-night reader.
169 / 365: Happy birthday Emerson, enjoy your dictionary! ;)
170 / 365: These two sister made a stuffy zoo together, and I’m a big fan.
171 / 365: “Introducing The Cigarettes!” (#facepalm) E.V. is having a doll fashion show, and I’m trying to be supportive and also let her know what “cigarettes” actually are without hurting her feelings too much. ;)
172 / 365: Bonjour! We would like some macarons, si vous plez.
173 / 365: I’m watching them watch the storm roll in.
174 / 365: Ice cream by the pool with friends? Yes, please!
175 / 365: E.V. and Cricket walk(scoot) the babysitters home after a morning together.
176 / 365: The celebrations have officially started for this sunny little lady’s SEVENTH birthday!
177 / 365: This girl made her birthday ice cream cake (almost) all by herself. Seven her she comes!
178 / 365: HAPPY BIRTHDAY E.V.! S E V E N!
179 / 365: For her birthday, E.V. wanted to go to Subway to eat. (Okay? Okay. Okay!)
180 / 365: Emma Vance’s seventh birthday party theme is “Merri-Mac,” which is so appropriate for my camp girl. (Also, I will always remember how my cabin cake just absolutely melted in the HOT summer sun, haha!)
181 / 365: IROQUOIS is #1, and don’t you forget!
182 / 365: Stuffed animals that were meant to go in the water? So fun!
183 / 365: Summer usually means doctor appointments, including Cricket’s first eye appointment. (She was upset that she DIDN’T need glasses.)
184 / 365: E.V.’s turn! (She’s upset that she STILL needs glasses, haha!)
185 / 365: HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY! (They wouldn’t stand next to each other because they were mad about…something or other.)
186 / 365: Practicing for Spring Break 2K29.
187 / 365: A quick visit to the library for these little Chacos girls today!
188 / 365: Cricket loves being the big girl when (slightly) younger friends come to play. (She has SO much wisdom to impart.)
189 / 365: More doctor appointments, sigh. Clean teeth, cheesy smile? Check, check.
190 / 365: Dear lord, please let those front teeth grow in as fast as the dentist promised me they will. ;)
191 / 365: Face tattoos at 5 and 7? Cute. Cool. Fine. Whatever. At 15 and 17? Nope.
192 / 365: Sweet E.V. helps Papadon cross the street in one of our bi-monthly grocery shopping trips.
193 / 365: Summer Vibes
194 / 365: Chiringa is officially my summer restaurant obsession, and now that they serve Dole Whip, the girls are on board.
195 / 365: I’ve been on a purge-and-organize bent over the past few weeks, and I finally got around to creating some storage for my family’s keepsakes. (A project that I meant to do…well, years ago.)
196 / 365: These ladies are in for a lot of fun at horse camp this week!
197 / 365: She’s been waiting all year to ride that guy!
198 / 365: Cricket is at a horse camp for younger kids, and yes, she is riding real horses, although this saw horse cracked me up! ;)
199 / 365: Cricket is RIDING A HORSE! YAY!
200 / 365: It’s Parent Watch Day at Horse Camp, and *someone* is excited to show off.
201 / 365: Presenting Razzle the Mermaid (for the annual horse parade at camp)!
202 / 365: We’ve been waiting all summer to try out Great Grandma Vance’s newly-refinished pool, and we’re finally here!
203 / 365: Visiting Great Grandma Vance means cookies all day, every day.
204 / 365: It’s our Shove family tradition to throw each other into Great Grandma Vance’s pool with our clothes on, and the girls look forward to it each time we visit.
205 / 365: It’s not a visit to Orlando without froggy ice cream (and blue tongues).
206: Cricket and E.V. attempt to explain unboxing toys to Great Grandma Vance. The generational gap is showing, haha!
207 / 365: See ya next time, GGV!
208 / 365: The girls chill with their buddy, Ever, at the Back-to-School Picnic.
209 / 365: Same as last year, so at least consistent?
210: Yeah, that seems right.
211 / 365: It’s Teacher Meet-n-Greet, and this little second grader is excited!
212 / 365: Can you counteract a summer’s worth of junk food in one day? Well, we’re trying at least, haha!