Weighing in on Uniforms (+ Picture Day!)


Oh,  the great uniform debate. We’re a few months into our uniformed life, and I have a verdict.

I like ’em.

I wasn’t so sure at first. On one hand, I LOVE dressing my girls and miss putting together those super cute outfits everyday. On the other hand, 90% of the time I either have to force my girls to wear what I want or let them choose (#reallife) and the latter usually prevails…which means Cricket usually looks like an airline lost her luggage and she’s 10 days into her vacation. But she’s happy and think she’s “fashion.”

Now that we’re into a uniform groove, I do have to say it’s so much easier than arguing at 6 a.m. with a kindergartener about not wearing tights as leggings. Also, we’re lucky because our school has a few top and bottom options that mix and match just enough to make me feel like I have some say in what she looks like. Plus, we just had our first spirit week (Say No to Drugs Red Ribbon Week), and we have another (Anti-Bullying) coming up. (Not to mention the Book Character day on Halloween!) So our school does have some breathers in there, just when you feel like you might punch those polos and khaki shorts in the face. ;)

On the other hand, Cricket (who’s still in preschool) gets to wear whatever the heck she wants, and I’ve given up pretty much. BUT she did dress up like Izzy the Neverland Pirate for Talk Like a Pirate Day. And (thank goodness) she was amenable to the outfit I had chosen for this week’s Picture Day. Whew. That could’ve been bad.

BUT, God help us when Cricket starts to wear a uniform in two years. It’s going to be a ROUGH transition for our little gypsy, people. Start covering me in prayer now, will you? TIA, haha!

Spirit Week: Wear Red


Spirit Week: Crazy Sock Day


Spirit Week: Backward Shirt Day


Spirit Week: Neon Day


Preschool Talk Like a Pirate Day

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Preschool Fall Picture Day 2017

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