Christmas Kick-Off: Pancakes with Priscilla


For whatever reason, this is the first year where I really feel like I’m ready for the Christmas season to begin. Maybe it’s the unseasonably cold weather, the idea that E.V. will actually understand what’s going on this year or the promise of nightly hot cocoa…but whatever the reason, I’m feelin’ jolly already. I’ve always been a diehard get-through-Thanksgiving-first kind of person, but, truthfully, this year I could skip the turkey altogether! Unsurprisingly, then, it also seems like our annual Christmas Kick-Off event, having breakfast with Priscilla the Pig (and my mom), came earlier than ever this year, but clearly I didn’t mind. :)

This was our third annual Pancakes with Priscilla breakfast, and, as usual, it turned out to be a frigid morning. (I swear it’s a conspiracy!) However, pig-sprinkled pink pancakes, a ride on the classic Priscilla train with Yia Yia, and a bowl full of marshmallows made it E.V.’s best. day. ever. (Oh, and Cricket, my tiny garbage disposal, ate her share of pancakes as well, so I’m pretty certain it was a good morning for her, too.) Ryan and I  talked to Emma Vance about going to see “The Pink Pig” all day yesterday, so she did a bit of rambling about pigs this morning as we drove down into Atlanta for breakfast, but after we got home, it was all she talked about. Thankfully we have a few stuffed pigs (including a Priscilla or two) to indulge our little lady, and even Cricket got in on the pig fun, adopting one of E.V.’s pink piggies as her very own to play with today. Considering E.V. is STILL talking about Halloween (and asking to trick or treat), I’m fairly certain that we’ll be hearing about “dah pig oink” until next November. ;)

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