E.V. got a big surprise with her tea party for TWO! |
Just like any other at-home mom, I often find myself desperate to run errands without my little, toddler-sized shadow. With Emma Vance in-tow, things take longer, less is accomplished and my attention is divided. However, amongst all the madness, there are these brief moments of sublime happiness where I wouldn’t dream of trading in my sidekick for efficiency or ease. One of these moments happened a few days ago in the mall…
As someone who spent 40+ hours a week at the mall in their former career, it’s always a strange feeling to walk in the doors only once or twice a season, but nowadays my trips are about necessity and not browsing. Last week I was alone with Emma Vance and in desperate need of doing a return, so we ventured to the mall during a busy time. As we strolled through the main corridor, E.V. was as happy as a lark (despite my fears of having a screaming, impatient toddler by my side), and as we navigated the crowded halls, she chirped out a cheery, “Hiya!” to every passerby–and added an extra loud, “HEY!” to every child she encountered. It warmed my heart–and apparently the hearts of those she greeted, as most of them grinned from ear to ear and greeted her back. It was one of those moments of sublime happiness, where everything seemed right with the world and where I had a profound pride in my small, social child.
I left that errand thinking about how much Emma Vance loves people, especially children. She’s desperate to make friends, concerned about others’ well being and not at all shy with her affections…all characteristics that will make her a perfect big sister. :) All of the play dates in the world can’t compete with a built-in, at-home, 24/7 friend, right? (We think so at least.) Soooo…
I’m pregnant! SURPRISE!
E.V will be getting a new best friend around March 22, 2014, making me almost 15 weeks and counting. I’m not at all worried about Emma Vance being jealous of the new baby, but I am slightly concerned she might smother it in love…and that I might be hearing, “Hiya!” over and over and over come Spring 2014! :)
If you’re like, “What the heck? Why didn’t they tell me in person?,” don’t be offended. It’s been our little secret this time around, so it’s a surprise for everyone, even our close friends. :)
“What’s this all about, Mom? Who makes ‘two?'” |
“Emma Vance, you’re getting a little brother or sister!” |
“I’m getting a what?” |
“A little brother or sister. (Yes, “more.”) You’re going to be a BIG SISTER!” |
“I’m going to be a BIG SISTER?!? YAY!” |
“Daddy, did you hear? I’m going to be a BIG SISTER!” “Yes, he’s heard, dear little one.” ;) |
Time for celebratory “tea!” |
“Oh, wait. Does that mean I have to share my toys?” “Yes, it sure does.” |
“Um, I’ll be right back…” |
Happiest big sister on the planet! |