Bah. I’m behind on blogging, so here comes your picture overload! We’ve been a bit hectic around here, and on top of life being crazy, the electrical in the room where I edit pictures has been going in and out (Thanks, builder!).
Needless to say, not much has been going on around here, but we’ve been super busy. (Isn’t that funny to think about??) Here’s what life has looked like lately:

Daddy-Cricket time watching baby videos on YouTube — literally just videos of babies. #obsessedwithbabies

In case you’re wondering, two pairs of underwear, shorts, another pair of underwear and two pairs of socks…and no diaper.

We are slooooowly working on breaking our kids of the bad food habits we’ve slipped into, including mac ‘n cheese. (They want it for EVERY meal.) However, it’s a process. So far we’ve successfully ditched the individual servings so that they know that they have to wait for a whole box to cook if they really want it. And we’re using Annie’s brand (to make ourselves feel 1% better because it’s organic).

We’ve been trying out some toddler yoga in the mornings. It’s fun, but let’s just say there’s more tumbling than yoga going on around here!

E.V. is only napping about a third of the time these days (which is better than NOT AT ALL, which is how this summer went). When the two of them are asleep at the same time, it’s the BEST. DAY. EVER.

Emma Vance is becoming more and more interested in acting like a grown up with her routines, including getting ready. One day she asked if she could wear eyeliner, and I naturally said yes. (Duh.) She needs some practice, but I gave her killer cat eyes in the end. ;)

My girls are baby OBSESSED. Found E.V. giving her baby a bath in the sink, and although I complimented her good mommy-ing skills, I also reminded her that she needs to ask permission next time. ;)

Ryan’s been spending most of his workdays at our local coffee shop, Mugs on Milton, so we’ve been popping in to visit him a lot. The girls pretty much think they own the place and act accordingly, haha!

We spend a LOT of time in our master bathroom. I’ve pretty much convinced the girls that our tub is a swimming pool, so now they think bath time is fun time — and will keep themselves occupied for waaay longer than necessary. #momwin

I’m a TERRIBLE gardener, but my friend who blogs over at believes in me, haha! The girls are loving planting all the random things I keep picking up, and today we planted garlic seeds mailed to us all the way from Missouri! Grow, garlic, grow!

And here’s the sunflower E.V. picked out at Trader Joe’s. I think some sort of bug is eating it??? The leaves are all hole-y, and there are a ton of brown spots…

I decided to also finally put in that honey suckle bush that I attempted to plant a few weeks ago (but instead got attacked by a biting spider halfway through digging). It’s been sitting in our yard ever since. Oops. E.V. was helping water the newly-planted bush when she thought it would be funny to spray me and Cricket. Needless to say, she got in trouble. #cuethedrama

When I was editing this picture, E.V. walked in and said, “Ooo! That’s me. I was sad, ” and then flitted about the room like a little, happy fairy. It was good reminder that I’m not scarring my kids by chastising them, haha!
And that’s what life’s pretty much looked like around here! Whew, I feel better now that we’re all caught up. How about y’all? ;)
Woo hoo!!! Fame! haha Garlic is easy, I swear ;)