Miss Great Grandma Vance


If you’ve been following along with our latest events, you might glean that it’s been a bit, um, busy around here. We’ve had three parties in a row, and in the midst of it all, we welcomed E.V.’s namesake, my grandmother, Mrs. Emma Vance, into our new home. Having her here for E.V.’s third birthday party was so special, and we’re thankful that she made the trip up from Florida to join us (which isn’t easy at her age!).

Emma Vance looooves my grandmother, who she calls “Miss Great Grandma Vance” (or “Gramma Vance” for short) and was constantly asking her to play, begging for hugs and saying that she loves her. I felt bad because most of my pre-party time was spent running around trying to get everything done, but my grandmother has such a big heart and good work ethic that she jumped right in, pulling stickers off glasses, washing my dishes, sweeping our floors — pretty much anything she could find to do. (She even stayed up late with me after the girls’ bedtime while I decorated E.V.’s birthday cake!) Most of our post-party time was spent doing normal ol’ grandma things — having coffee on the porch, making chocolate chip cookies and gardening. We were all sad to see her go, and over the past few days E.V. has repeatedly asked to see Gramma Vance — which both breaks my heart and makes it swell at the same time. ;)
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…and then E.V. asked my grandmother to snuggle her on the kitchen island — and she obliged. ;)NO1_1487

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