What an week full of incredible emotion. It started with my mother coming to my house to do home health after nearly a month in the hospital; we celebrated Ryan’s 35th; my mother was rushed back to the hospital in pain; she passed; and we went on our annual small group family retreat (more on that later). I haven’t stopped thinking about my mom, about the last few months, constantly, but for now I’m just trying to regroup and give my girls some happy memories while I try to grieve on my own time.

264 / 365: Happy 35th birthday, Ryan! We are headed to a schmancy dinner — and I’m not wearing gym clothes!
My heart is overwhelmed for you! I am so sorry for your family’s loss!!
I want to bring you a meal, do any of you have food allergies?
When would be a good time?
Praying Peace over your heart!!
Sara White & Family