Trunk or Treat: Ariel and…that Other Mermaid


I. Can’t. Even. {insert crying-so-hard-I’m-laughing emjoi here}

Tonight was Emma Vance and Cricket’s preschool Trunk or Treat — a sort of dress rehearsal for the real deal on Saturday. I made the girls’ Halloween costumes this year, meaning that they’ll only last through one wearing, so we went with dress up clothes tonight instead. Emma Vance changed her mind a million times about what she wanted to be this year, but at some point last week she landed on the idea of being a mermaid. I’d already prepared to make the costumes I had decided on a long time ago, so when she finally declared that she definitely most likely maybe wanted to be a mermaid, I convinced her that it was better to be TWO things for Halloween than one — a mermaid first, and then the big costume on Saturday. Thankfully, she bought it.

I had to come through on my double-costume promise, so tonight the girls went as Ariel…and that other, more generic, less famous mermaid, um, Cricketmaid. (Hey, don’t hate, don’t hate! It’s a real bikini. And I’m not kidding. ;) ) E.V. already owned a Little Mermaid dress, so to make it more special I bought an Ariel wig at Target — and let’s just say it was well worth my $10. Seriously, could she have looked any more ridiculous??? And it was an actual Disney brand Ariel wig, not some bizarre off-brand wannabe Lady Marmalade hairpiece. Too bad she looked more like this:

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than this:

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Needless to say I about died when we put it on her, and then repeatedly almost died all night long at each person’s first reaction from trunk to trunk. She loved every minute of attention and surprisingly left the wig on pretty much the whole time. Cricket, however, didn’t quite make it. Her little generic mermaid suit (which Ryan insisted looked nothing like a mermaid and more like a lounge singer) was bothering her, so about halfway through the post-trunk bouncy house-ing, she stripped down. Oops. I gave her my jacket, but when she kept tripping on it, she ditched it as well. With her little blue leggings and no top, I just started telling people she was half a Smurf. Despite the occasional odd stare, I think most people got my humor. ;)

Happy almost Halloween, folks!
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