Finally, a Pool!


Well, I guess our HOA (read: the builder) finally got the message after the one billionth time I pulled out the kiddie pool, filled it up and let my girls chill in it all day in our front yard while potential buyers drove down our street to check out the vibe of the neighborhood, because they just opened our community pool! (Yay! No more being the red necks with our 6″ of water and mess of hoses in the driveway!) I can’t believe it took them this long to finish the project since it was originally supposed to be completed before we even moved in, but our little family is going to soak in the last few weeks of pool season while we can. Of course, there are only a handful of other people actually living in our community so far, so we’ll be the only ones there…but we’ll take it!

P.S. Somehow Emma Vance has already picked up the idea that we’re having a pool party and has mentioned it about 30 times since we went swimming after church this morning. Goodness me. I suppose she’s truly my child after all! ;)


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