193 / 365: Dress-up playdate! (And they all chose princess costumes, surprise, surprise. Haha!)

194 / 365: Tonight they hope to dream about “Mickey Mouse babysitting” and “Big Me.” Fingers crossed. ;)

195 / 365: Cricket’s all-time FAVORITE pajamas (her “pinky pies,” i.e. porcupines) are coming to a slow, painful demise. She’s worn them so much, we may have to throw a funeral when the day comes…

196 / 365: Fort building at its finest.

197 / 365: Cricket beats the summer heat and practices catching snowflakes on her tongue for this winter’s flurries.

198 / 365: We are all Princess-Play-doh-partied out, meaning King of Pops + running around the Avalon green with our Nashville friends is in order.

199 / 365: Saying goodbye is the worst, especially when it’s to sweet friends like this little lady (deemed “Talie Too” by our family).