Sunday’s Seven (Week 8)


53 / 365: Ryan says goodbye to his Sportrac, which is now 14 years old — almost exactly as long as we’ve been together! #singleteardrop


54 /365: Mommy and Cricket enjoy a Starbucks coffee date (with Miss Alli, not pictured ;) ). Pink cakepop for little Kit and coffee for mom!

ev flower

55 /365: Emma Vance insists that she can save our dying windowsill flowers by putting them out in the freezing rain, and then declares that she’s going to “make a bed and watch them grow.” She’s in denial that she’s most likely inherited my black thumb. ;)

mommy day

56 / 365: Daddy’s traveling, so Mommy fills in for another Daddy Day at preschool, this time for Cricket’s class. (And apparently yellow is “in,” haha!)

c art

57 /365: While Mommy works on an art project for a friend, Cricket insists on doing her own. The girls *might* have inherited my art gene — and by “might,” I mean “undoubtedly.”

c as anna

57 / 365: Playing around in the princess dresses Yia Yia dropped off for the girls while they were sick, Cricket calls out for someone to come find her — that she’s “hiding.” Bless her innocent heart, haha!

ryan owl

58 / 365: Ryan holds an owl. Yes, a real, live owl.

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