All this guy wanted for Father’s Day was to get a tan. Is that too much to ask? I suppose it is too much to ask of the stormy, fickle summer sky, because our plans got rained out. We did manage to get to the pool for a bit, swimsuits on and fresh towels in hand. I’m lucky to have a guy like this, one whose biggest desire on “his” day is to be with his girls. There were no requests for presents or home cooked meals or massages. Just to have a low-key day in the water. Too bad I couldn’t deliver even that! It takes a big man and a first-rate dad to opt to spend his time treading around two-foot waters, playing with princess squeaky toys. Watching Ryan make E.V. giggle and help splash Cricket’s little feet in the water reminded me of how lucky I am to have him as my partner in this crazy endeavor called parenting. And, even more importantly, how lucky my daughters are to have him as their dad.
Not even 45 minutes into Operation Don’t Be Pale, the black cloud over the pool (and, yes, there were blue skies everywhere else) opened up. We tried to wait it out, but the rain got worse and Cricket was nonplussed. So we packed everyone up and trudged back to the car. Then the skies cleared up and the sun came out. Go figure. We headed to Chipotle to drown our sorrows in Whole30-approved carnitas. A nap, a walk and a movie (“Despicable Me,” which seemed appropriate on Father’s Day), and everyone seemed happy. It’s funny how the things that bring joy and fulfill you change the instant you bring a child into this world.
So today especially, here’s to this guy! Happy Father’s Day!