Having kids not only changes who you are, but also how you socialize. Nowadays it seems as if birthday parties are the only time Ryan and I get to see a lot of our friends, but we’ll take what we can get!
This morning we had a party for E.V.’s friend, Ivy, at our favorite park in Atlanta, Morgan Falls. (It looks over a LAKE!) There’s a killer playground, beautiful covered pavilion, and (E.V.’s favorite) geese. Lots of geese. As Ryan and I (and everyone else) ran around, having half-conversations with the other adults while we simultaneously attempted to keep our littles alive, I couldn’t help but notice how much life has changed in the past decade. Ten years ago we were all college kids, just hanging out around Athens with no agenda and no cares, and now it seems like life is quite the opposite. (Better, but completely opposite.)
One major way that having not only one but two kiddos to care for has changed me personally is on the germ front. I’ve never been a germophobe, but having a toddler has certainly drained me of any energy I might have put toward worrying about dirty hands and faces. Today was a great example of getting over that particular worry: E.V. petted strange dogs, got sweaty chasing geese, hugged unfamiliar kids, shared Pirate Booty with other germy-handed kids, had visible dirt smudges on her face and (to top it all off) usurped an abandoned juice box as her own. Yep, she drank a total stranger’s juice box. And I didn’t really bat an eyelash. It’s good for her immunity, right? :) Oh, and Cricket’s paci dropped on the ground and I didn’t fret. College Talie would’ve been embarrassed and grossed out at the scene today. Good thing College Talie wasn’t invited. ;)
Despite all of the germs E.V. collected today ;), we had an amazing time. (And it wasn’t just the Piece of Cake strawberry cake, I swear. Ha!) I love seeing our friends (even with divided attentions), and even more so, I love seeing my crazy toddler loving on my friends’ kids (even with her grubby self). Happy birthday Ivy!