25 / 365: Freezing rain doesn’t stop us from getting out of the house, and, in fact, the girls relish the chance to wear their raincoats (and Sofia socks…).

26 /365: It’s 50 degrees out and we’re late for our veterinarian appointment, but sometimes as a parent you have to compromise.

27 /365: Today we got the news that our dog, Olive, has Type 1 diabetes. The future will hold some challenges, but for now we’re just loving on her, some of us more fervently than others.

28 / 365: After a month of low-to-no-screen-time, the girls are excited to have earned the privilege of watching a show of their choosing. (“Barbie” was the winner.)

29 / 365: Emma Vance and Cricket warm up in their fleece pjs with a Friday night picnic and movie after a few hours spent swimming in the indoor pool.

30 / 365: After MONTHS of growing out his beard, Daddy finally shaves it off (as a Whole30-is-over celebration). It was a family event, haha!

31 / 365: Somehow Cricket has managed to convince me that she can practice for her big girl bed by spending nap time in her rocking chair. (Very little actual napping was accomplished, by the way.)
And that’s a wrap on January, folks! See you in February!